1 Timothy 2

1 Timothy 2

Instructions for Public Worship to Men and Women

April 19, 2009

Simon Goncharenko


A Southern Baptist Church



The Big Idea: While everyone is to be engaged in prayer for all people and especially the governing officials, women and men have different roles to play when it comes to the public worship.


I.        The second most important aspect involved in the success of the local church is its members’ commitment to prayer - vv. 1-7

In the first chapter Paul told Timothy what the most important aspect was, namely commitment to the Word – teaching sound doctrine, proclaiming the gospel and defending the faith.  Here, he continues along those lines and reveals to his young disciple the next in the line of importance. 

            A.  In praying with the church, there are important aspects of one’s prayer that need to be kept in mind - v. 1

In these verses Paul uses four of the seven NT terms for prayer:

                        1.  We are to bring our needs to God - Petitions

                        2.  We are to bring our needs to God - Prayers

                        3.  We are to be real in conversing with God - Intercessions

                        4. We are to include thanksgiving in our prayers – Thanksgivings

            B.  When the content of our prayers includes our governing officials, there are benefits to be reaped – v. 2

            C.  Such prayers are good b/c they please God - vv. 3-7

            Now here is some good theology to ground our prayer life:

                        1.  God wants everyone to be saved - v. 4a

                        2.  God wants everyone to know the truth - v. 4b

                                    a.  There is one God - v. 5a (monotheism)

                                    b.  There is one mediator between God and man, - Jesus Christ- vv. 5-7.

                                                i.  Jesus gave Himself as a ransom for all - v. 6a

Substitutionary atonement & Unlimited atonement

                                                ii.  Jesus’ gift is a testimony at the proper time - v. 6b

                                    c.  Paul’s calling was the dissemination of that truth - v. 7

                                                i.  Paul’s calling was to be a herald

                                                ii.  Paul’s calling was to be an apostle

                                                iii  Paul’s calling was to be a teacher of the Gentiles

II.  In public worship in the church men and women have different roles to play - vv. 8-15

            A.  Men take on the spiritual leadership by praying - v. 8

            B.  Women take on the role of following - vv. 9-15   

                        1.  Outwardly, women’s commitment to their proper role is expressed in their attire - v. 9.

                        2.  Inwardly, women’s commitment to their proper role is expressed in their attitude - v. 10

                        3.  Women’s true liberation comes not by escaping from, but embracing God’s original design for them – vv. 11-15.

                                    a. They are to submit to the officials and regulation of the church – v. 11

                                    b.  They are not to teach or be in authority over men - vv. 12-15

                                                i.  Adam’s primacy in creation is one of the reasons for that - v. 13

ii.  Eve’s primacy in being deceived is another reason for that - v. 14

                                    c.  Women’s primary influence of the society takes place from a home – v. 15.

1 Timothy 2